H.E. VALENTINA SETTA Consul General of Italy in Dubai and Norther Emirates
Good morning excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, dear Italian guests.
I would like to thank, first of all President Amirrudin Thanawala, who will host us today and tomorrow in the Ismaili Center, a highly symbolic place for Architecture. Ismaili architecture indeed uses historic decorative details such as geometric shapes, calligraphy, use of light and shadows, revoking the sense of traditional Islamic architecture, combined with the modern art and techniques, creating places where people of all faith can gather for educational and cultural events promoting exchange, pluralism and dialogue. So we are blessed to be today here and I extend my thanks to our dear friend Akbar Verji who made this happen.
A special thank goes to Sheikh Mohammed bin Faisal Al Quasimi, President of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in the UAE and, in particular, to Mr Giuseppe Ronchi who worked very hard during the last months to organize this congress.
Bravo Giuseppe!